
martedì 6 ottobre 2015

Teaser Tuesday #136

Ed ecco di nuovo la rubrica settimanale Teaser Tuesday, creata dal blog Should Be Reading, che si divide in poche, semplici fasi:
1_ prendi il libro che stai leggendo
2_ apri una pagina a caso
3_ scrivi un breve brano (stando attenti a non spoilerare)
4_ scrivi titolo e autore

Locksley's clasp on her arm hurt but Marian let it go, offering yet another curtsey, briefly startled by his question as well as the contact. She looked more closely at him, baffled by the unexpected tension. The rage had dissipated, replaced with impatience; he did not require the honor everyone gave his father.
"Yes," she told him clearly, wondering what it was about her name that drove him out of silence into abrupt intensity. "Marian of Ravenskeep; Sir Hug is -" she checked, "was my father."
The hand remained on her arm as if he had forgotten. Through the fabric of her clothing she felt the grip of his fingers. "It was to you I sent the letter. I trust you received it."
She turned slightly, twisting her wrist to free it. He released it at once, but made no apology. He was too intent on her answer. " I received no letter, my lord."
Clearly it was not what he expected. He frowned. Beneath a shock of white blond hair his brows knitted together over a good, even nose without the prominence of his father's. "I sent it," he declared, leaving no room for doubt. "Month ago. I thought you should know how your father died."
 - Lady of the Forest, Jennifer Roberson

2 commenti:

  1. Sembra interessante. Ti è piaciuto?

    1. Ci credi se ti dico che non lo so? È scritto molto bene, ed è uno dei pochissimi che ho trovato dove Robin soffre di stress-post-traumatico per le Crociate... ma è un prologo di 600 pagine per qualcosa che praticamente non arriva, e più della metà della trama c'è perchè ogni uomo che vede Marian se la vuole fare O_o
