
martedì 13 ottobre 2015

Teaser Tuesday #137

Ed ecco di nuovo la rubrica settimanale Teaser Tuesday, creata dal blog Should Be Reading, che si divide in poche, semplici fasi:
1_ prendi il libro che stai leggendo
2_ apri una pagina a caso
3_ scrivi un breve brano (stando attenti a non spoilerare)
4_ scrivi titolo e autore

Perhaps the first thing Merlin had taught Nimue, and certainly the point he had repeated most vigorously, was that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This was a law of something he called physics, which Nimue gathered was going to be invented in the seventeenth century by a man called Newton. Merlin said it applied equally well to magic as apples.
Nimue wasn't very good at history - and particularly at history that hadn't happened yet. But she did understand magic. She understand what he meant when he said you couldn't pull a rabbit out of a hat, so to speak, without knowing exactly where that rabbit was going to come from and what were the likely consequences of its disappearance from Point A and subsequent reappearance at Point B. It was damn irresponsible, Merlin used to say, not to take into consideration such things as ethics, spatiotemporal complications, and transmogrificational aspects of the sub-etheral plane.
"Not to mention probable damage to the hat," Nimue had pointed out once.
 - The book of Mordred, Vivian Vande Velde

5 commenti:

  1. Come ti sta sembrando? Perché il tuo teaser mi ha fatto venir voglia di andare a cercarlo subitissimo!!!!

    1. Carino, ma si sente molto che è un libro per ragazzi.

  2. Mi piace questo libro *.* la cover e il teaser hanno fatto centro!
