
martedì 26 marzo 2019

Teaser Tuesday #221

Ed ecco di nuovo la rubrica settimanale Teaser Tuesday, creata dal blog Should Be Reading, che si divide in poche, semplici fasi:
1_ prendi il libro che stai leggendo
2_ apri una pagina a caso
3_ scrivi un breve brano (stando attenti a non spoilerare)
4_ scrivi titolo e autore

The spider's web of matches between the queen's relations and young men and women of the English aristocracy formed links between the new royal family and the future generations of nobles dynasties with estates, interests and followers all across the realm, planting new threads of royal connection from East Anglia and the midlands to Wales and the west country. But before long, the creation of this sprawling new royal affinity became matter of contention between Edward and the man who felt he was owed most of all by the new regime. As the Woodvilles increased their power and Edward grew in confindence, so the earl of Warwick began to feel more and more uneasey.
A succession of clashes over policy and personalities was coming to a head between the king and his greatest subject. The two men whose family alliance had secured the Yorkist crown were about to blow the entire project apart.
 - The Hollow Crown: The wars of the Roses and the rise of the Tudor, Dan Jones

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