martedì 12 maggio 2015

Teaser Tuesday #122

Ed ecco di nuovo la rubrica settimanale Teaser Tuesday, creata dal blog Should Be Reading, che si divide in poche, semplici fasi:
1_ prendi il libro che stai leggendo
2_ apri una pagina a caso
3_ scrivi un breve brano (stando attenti a non spoilerare)
4_ scrivi titolo e autore

Someone is walking on the other side of the library, passing a window. He's in a suit. Familiar hair in a distinct shade of cool, deark blond. Merlin. Perhaps he's hoping to get a head start on the assignment too. I ignore him and walk the other way, wandering through a maze of shelves, searching for the magic section. His shoes clack on the marble floor, occasionally squeaking on the freshly mopped areas.
I slip away into the shaded aisles. It's full of fiction - ancient legends and such - and I still hear the steps. Every time I turn around it seems like he's hovering nearby. Whirling past another shelf, through a small crack between the books, a flash of his eyes meets mine. "Hi, Morgan," he greets.
"Hello," I reply a bit stiffly.
"Do you come here often?" he asks.
Is he trying to be funny? "I was hoping to get some books," I reply just as an announcement is made over the loudspeaker that the library is closing. "But I guess I'm out of time." Thanks to you, stalker.
"There's always tomorrow morning before class starts," he says. "Just have to finish breakfast quickly."
"Yeah, good idea." I wave him good-bye and walk away.
Merlin walks around the bookshelf to trail behind me. "Hey, I'm sorry you got banded. It happens though. It's part of being a magic user. I got banded as a kid all the time.
I'm not a kid. I shouldn't get banded for using magic.
"Yeah." I shrug.
"You can still legally use magic in self-defence."
 - Henge, Realm Lovejoy

2 commenti:

  1. Questo sembra interessante! :) Come ti sta sembrando?

    1. È una stupidaggine, però di quelle innoque e relativamente carine :D
